We know that when you’ve been injured on the job your aim is to get back to work as soon as possible. However, it can be frustrating when the insurance companies are preventing you from getting the treatment you need to heal properly. That’s one advantage of working with a workers’ comp attorney: We know how to deal with insurance companies. We know how to help so the insurance company doesn’t try to prevent you from getting back to work.

Dont Let Insurance Prevent You from Getting Back to Work

For instance, we’re currently working with a client who was injured while installing guard rails. He tripped in a hole and twisted his knee. His injury required knee surgery, and as a result, he was completely out of work. Naturally, he applied for workers’ compensation and was receiving benefits to cover him while he was out of work.

However, after his surgery, his orthopedic physician recommended physical therapy. The insurance company refused to authorize this treatment. When our client returned to his doctor weeks later for a follow up appointment, his doctor explained that without physical therapy, his knee would not heal properly. Despite this, his insurance company would not cover the treatment.

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Weeks had gone by with no treatment. Our client was frustrated because without physical therapy, he couldn’t get better and wouldn’t be able to return to work at all. It was then that he reached out to us. Upon signing him, we immediately got his physical therapy approved.

It can be incredibly frustrating when it feels like the insurance company is working against you — especially when all you want to do is return to work. At Oxner + Permar, we’ll fight for your rights and help you back to work as soon as possible.

We always recommend that the sooner you contact a workers’ comp attorney the better. We know what to look for when dealing with workman’s comp cases, so we can make sure you’re getting the benefits and treatment you deserve to get back to work as soon as possible.