
Category: Workers’ Compensation

What is a mediation?

May 10, 2016
A mediation, or a mediated settlement conference, is an informal meeting, usually in our office, where a neutral person (the mediator) hears our side of the story, your employers’ side of the story, and attempts to work out a compromise that everyone can live with. If your claim is denied, the Industrial Commission will likely […]
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What’s the deal with this “recorded statement”?

May 18, 2016
It’s pretty common for an adjuster to ask you to give a recorded statement. Understand that everything you say can, and will, be used against you. Also understand that many adjusters use the recorded statement as way to deny the claim by asking questions phrased a certain way and having you agree to them. Remember, […]
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What are interrogatories?

May 30, 2016
Interrrogatories are written questions which the Industrial Commission requires parties (injured workers, employers, insurance adjusters) to answer. They are usually written by the attorney representing the other side. The idea is that when there is a dispute it is efficient if both sides trade information and answer questions before getting into a hearing. That’s the […]
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I just want my day in court. That’s reasonable, right?

June 6, 2016
It is a very normal sentiment. But workers’ compensation is not like the kind of court you see on television or read about in the newspaper. The Industrial Commission has limited authority and one of the key things it cannot do is probably what many people whish they could do: order a lump sum payment […]
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How long do workers’ compensation claims last?

June 13, 2016
The overwhelming majority of claims are over within a year. Those are the claims where, fortunately, there is no or little lost time from work and there is no permanent disability. If your claim is denied the best estimate is that it will take a year to get a decision from the Industrial Commission. It […]
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