After a work injury, you might be chomping at the bit to return to work, and you’re not alone. Whether it’s because you’re ready for your regular paycheck, or because you’re bored with recovering at home or maybe simply because you miss your job, there are many reasons to want to head back to the workplace. We’ve had many clients who are worried about returning to work too soon. In terms of workers’ compensation, what does it mean to return to work? After an injury, will returning to work hurt your case?

Can I Return To Work After Injury?

The answer to this depends on a variety of factors, including the severity and type of injury you sustained. In most cases, if your injury is relatively minor, you are able to return to work shortly after the injury occurs. However, if the injury is more severe or requires specialized medical attention, it is likely that returning to work will take some time. It’s important to consult with a doctor about what activities are best for your recovery before attempting to return to work.

In many cases, you may be able to make accommodations during your recovery that will allow you to work. This could include reduced hours or modified duties until you’re feeling better. Additionally, keeping in close contact with your employer can help ensure that they understand your situation and that they adjust their expectations accordingly when it comes time for you to come back into the workplace. Everyone’s individual situation is unique so getting advice from medical professionals and employers is essential when trying to determine how best to handle recovering from injuries while still maintaining employment.

How Can You Return To Work?

There are two ways you can return to work:

  • Return to work (Form 28)
  • Trial return to work (Form 28T)

The difference between these two has to do with restrictions. Return to work (Form 28) is when you return to work without work restrictions. On the other hand a trial return to work (Form 28T) is required when you’re returning to work with restrictions.

Will Returning To Work After An Injury Hurt Your Case?

When returning to work after an injury, it’s important to consider how it will impact your case. The best way to decide if returning to work is a good idea for you is by consulting with an attorney.

If you have significant injuries, going back to work too soon might worsen your medical condition. If a doctor has recommended not working while you recover, follow their advice and inform the insurance company why you are following the doctor’s orders.

On the other hand, returning to part-time or light duty could show that your injuries are not serious enough to prevent you from working altogether and this could adversely affect your claim. You should also be aware that if you settle your claim quickly, then your wages may be considered as part of the settlement amount and thus reduce the total amount of compensation that you are entitled to receive.

In any case, always remember that when deciding whether or not to return to work after an injury it’s important to get legal advice from an experienced injury lawyer first so that you can make a well informed decision about what is best for you and your case.

Each scenario will have different implications on your case; therefore, we recommend you seek an experienced attorney for advice. We’ll be able to look at your case specifically and decide exactly which course of action is best for you. The attorneys at Oxner + Permar are dedicated to ensuring that you receive the benefits that you deserve. And with over $275m in awards and settlements, we have the experience to know exactly which steps are best for your case.

When it comes to returning to work after an injury, every situation is different. Sometimes it makes sense to return right away; other times it’s best to wait. If you have any questions, feel free to contact an attorney for a free consultation.