We all need a job. But sometimes, it’s not so easy to find one that pays well and is safe for you and your family. A dangerous job can be defined as a job which poses risks or hazards to life and health. Some jobs are more risky than others. But none of them should ever take precedence over another person’s safety. While some jobs are inherently dangerous, others are simply too risky to take on. Here’ is a list of the 10 most dangerous jobs in America.
1. Concrete Pumping
Workers here can suffer multiple fractures or even lose their hands as they operate heavy machinery without protection. Because concrete is so hard to clean up, the job also carries an elevated risk for chronic skin diseases like dermatitis and epidermolysis bullosa. And it can be slow-going making salaries low.
2. Roofers
Though most people assume roof work entails safety precautions under the hot sun, roofers actually have one of the highest death rates of any occupation, with falls being the leading cause of fatal accidents. Working alone requires them to climb ladders for long periods of time. They use fall arrest systems such as harnesses and line vests only 25 percent of the time. Their pay is also relatively low.
3. Bricklayers
This type of construction worker spends much of their day carrying heavy beams and other building materials. That means hours of bending and lifting which puts their back muscles through endless repetition. Carpal tunnel syndrome is common among brick layers because they spend so much time on their knees or using vibrating tools.
4. Welders
Welders braise metal together using intense heat produced by welding rods. If they do not wear protective masks and goggles, welders can experience serious lung damage. Welding takes place in high intensity flames where sparks can fly off hitting unprotected eyes. As general rule, the more skilled the welder the greater the potential danger. A welder who works on power lines could get electrocuted if they touch live wires. Pay varies widely depending upon the company.
5. Painters
Painting is a very dangerous job. More than half of all painting fatalities occur during application phase while the painter mixes paints, sanded walls and levels surfaces. Paints are toxic. Exposure to lead causes serious health problems. Dangers include getting hit by paintballs, nd falling into open tubs of wet mixing paints.
6. Machine Operators
This includes electricians, machine operators, assembly line workers, and crane operators. All these positions require working near moving parts and equipment. Workplaces should be well lit and free of hazards such as sharp objects, grease, and oil. Many workplaces fail to provide adequate hand washing facilities. While many machines and devices offer automatic shutoff features, there are still many ways for employees to become injured. Common dangers include being struck by thrown items, tripping over cables and being crushed by moving or stationary equipment.
7. Loggers
Workers cut down trees, then carry them out of the woods. They must contend with steep embankments, slippery terrain, and harsh weather conditions. Falls are a major problem for loggers and are the third leading cause of injury related deaths. Tree surgeons often sustain traumatic head injuries that result in loss of consciousness and brain hemorrhaging. Lacerations caused by tree limbs are another hazard. Injuries from slipping and falling increase when ice forms on the ground, especially if the logging site is remote. Fall protection equipment is required to protect against workplace accidents. However, few logging companies comply with OSHA regulations.
8. Farmers
Farming is considered to be among the most hazardous occupations. Not only does it involve exposure to pesticides, but farming is also dependent on foreign countries and weather. It is hard to tell how old children may be before they start school; farmers cannot afford to take any chances. Young children and babies may be at risk. Those with weak immune systems suffer due to illness and malnutrition. Working after dark without proper lighting increases the chance of an accident.
9. Structural Ironworkers
These ironworkers work high up on steel beams, bridges, and other structures. The risk of an accidental fall is extremely high. An unprotected fall can kill someone. There are several common risks including collisions with fast-moving vehicles, contact with tall construction cranes, falling debris, and flying tools.
10. Mechanics
Mechanics have to work on engines and heavy machinery. Improper maintenance can make machinery function poorly which leads to further repairs. Mechanics can easily be exposed to chemicals, oil, and fuel as well as noisy environments. Repetitive motions such as those found in mechanic jobs lead to repetitive stress injuries. If a car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, a mechanic’s help could save your life.
What are the implications of having a dangerous job?
If you work with hazardous materials or machinery, there is always a chance that something could go wrong. If this happens, you may be exposed to harmful chemicals or substances or situations that could put your life at risk. If you work in an industry where there is a high risk of being injured on the job, you should take precautions to protect yourself. For example, if you work with heavy machinery, wear protective equipment such as safety glasses, ear protection, and gloves.
Being in one of the 10 most dangerous jobs in America could also be very stressful, especially if you don’t know how to deal with stress.
What happens if you get injured in your dangerous job?
A dangerous job may lead to injuries or illnesses that could affect your ability to work. If you’re injured on the job, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. You may also be able to file a personal injury lawsuit against someone who was responsible for causing your accident. These benefits can cover medical expenses, lost wages, and disability payments.
What do you need to know about workers compensation?
Workers’ Compensation (WC) is an insurance program designed for people who are injured on the job. WC pays medical bills and lost wages while you recover from a work injury or illness. It also covers disability benefits such as rehabilitation services and long term care if needed.
If you’ve been hurt on the job, you’ll likely want to speak with a lawyer about filing a claim. Your lawyer will explain what you’re entitled to as well as your rights and options.
A workers compensation attorney can help determine whether you qualify for any additional benefits besides WC and they may be able to negotiate settlements. Be sure to find a reputable worker’s compensation attorney before you hire one.
Although it is visible that there are cons on working on the 10 most dangerous jobs in America, this does not mean you should completely avoid these jobs. There are times when you cannot avoid and you end up doing these kind of jobs or you end up becoming passionate about them. Add to that, these jobs are valuable to the country and the economy.
Given this, what you could do is to try and reduce the risks associated with these types of jobs by following safety precautions, such as wearing protective equipment and using proper tools while performing the task. If you do still get injured, make sure to have the best workers’ compensation lawyer to help you.
Call us now to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys